In the era of Quantum Technologies understanding and mapping electronic excitations has proved to be instrumental to identify emerging properties of matter. Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) is a major tool to inspect the intricate playground of charge-spin lattice interactions and how they affect the properties of the electronic degrees of freedom.
The ARPES 2023 school aims to provide attendants with the essentials for the understanding of photoelectron spectroscopies and their implementation to observe the electronic band structure of solids and molecules. It is directed to both early-career researchers and scientists willing to expand their knowledge on light – matter interactions and how the use of the photoelectric effect to reveal some deep properties of matter.
The ARPES school shall profit from the presence of Dr. Kyle Shen, on sabbatical leave from Cornell University, at the MULFOX-ICMAB laboratory, who will deliver some Introductory Lectures, followed by some more advanced and prospective applications of ARPES.
This series of lectures will be held at ICMAB, and will be complemented with a visit to the nearby ALBA Synchrotron light source, where school participants will get the opportunity to discover the capabilities of this large research infrastructure and attend running ARPES experiments at the LOREA beamline, under the guidance of its leader scientist Dr. Massimo Tallarida.
The LOREA-ALBA beamline and the ARPES School will also organize the participation of some school registered attendants to hands-on ARPES experiments during suitable beamtimes at ALBA.
To attend the ARPES 2023 Severo Ochoa School participants should register as indicated. The school will be hybrid: both in-person and online registrations are open.